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The DROPS Metaverse is an initiative by the DROPS (Dropped Object Prevention Scheme) Asia Chapter to create a forward-looking learning and collaboration platform in Virtual Reality.

Using a VR headset, windows or mac, you can enter a multiplayer 3D environment which has been curated for you to learn all about dropped object hazard prevention. Using a customized avatar, you will be able to navigate various scenarios to experience the impact of dropped objects, identify potential hazards, and learn about the various best practices for prevention. During our regular events, you can use the same avatar to meet with industry professionals just as if you were at a trade show.

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DROPS Metaverse Apps

For the best experience, download the DROPS Metaverse on the Oculus Quest 1 and Meta Quest 2. Don’t have VR device yet? Explore the environments on your Windows or MAC computer.

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Upcoming Events



March 26 @ 14:0015:00 UTC+8

A monthly call for Drilling Contractors, Energy Companies and Major services partners in the Wells Community. Kindly sponsored by our DROPS Asia st […]



April 10 @ 15:0016:00 UTC+8

Join us for an engaging session kickstart your journey with the DROPS Metaverse and Virtual Reality Training. The DROPS Asia Chapter, in collaborat […]



April 30 @ 14:0015:00 UTC+8

In this edition of the DROPS Wells Forum, the focus is on your questions and connecting you with industry peers. Some of the questions that may be di […]



May 28 @ 14:0015:00 UTC+8

A monthly call for Drilling Contractors, Energy Companies and Major services partners in the Wells Community. Kindly sponsored by our DROPS Asia st […]



June 25 @ 14:0015:00 UTC+8

In this edition of the DROPS Wells Forum, the focus is on your questions and connecting you with industry peers. Some of the questions that may be di […]



July 30 @ 14:0015:00 UTC+8

A monthly call for Drilling Contractors, Energy Companies and Major services partners in the Wells Community. Kindly sponsored by our DROPS Asia st […]


The Bow Tie Model and Dropped Objects: Risk Management’s Comprehensive Approach

The bow tie model serves as a pivotal tool in risk management, offering insights into managing specific risks. In the industrial context of dropped objects, this model provides a holistic perspective on potential causes, preventive actions, and resulting consequences.

Understanding the DROPS Bow Tie Structure

At its core, the bow tie model mirrors its namesake. The central knot symbolizes the undesired event or hazard – here, a dropped object incident. Causes or threats leading to this event populate the left side, while the right side showcases potential consequences. Barriers or controls bridge these elements, acting as preventive or mitigative measures.

Identifying Causes

Various factors contribute to dropped objects. Human errors, such as mishandling equipment, rank high. Technical failures, like corrosion or material fatigue, also play a part. Additionally, environmental elements, like strong winds or vibrations, pose threats. Each cause potentially triggers the central undesired event.

Implementing Preventive Barriers

Preventive barriers stand between the causes and the event. These proactive measures aim to halt the undesired event. Regular equipment inspections, proper drops training for workers, tethering tools, and standard operating procedures for equipment handling form these barriers.

Assessing Potential Consequences

Dropped object incidents can lead to varied outcomes. These range from minor equipment damage to severe injuries or fatalities. Indirect consequences might include operational downtime, financial setbacks, or company reputational damage.

Mitigating Consequences with Barriers

Mitigative barriers come into play post-event, aiming to reduce impact. In the context of dropped objects, safety nets or protective barriers can shield workers below. Red Zones & No Go zones procedures minimize personnel exposure to potential harm. Additionally, emergency response plans and first aid measures offer immediate care, aiming to minimize injury severity.

Bow Tie Model’s Significance

The bow tie model’s strength lies in its encompassing approach. It maps the entire process, from causes to consequences, allowing industries to pinpoint risk management gaps and fortify measures.

In conclusion, the bow tie model presents a structured framework for navigating the risks tied to dropped objects. By pinpointing causes, establishing preventive barriers, gauging potential consequences, and setting up mitigative measures, industries can bolster workplace safety. This model’s visual nature also facilitates clear communication of risks and measures to all stakeholders, ensuring unified safety pursuits.

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